Friday, March 28, 2008

Happy Friday!

Hi All… Happy Friday!

Okay, so let me see if I can fill ya in on what has been going on this month..

Well, after I got better, I started working on my studio.. I have got so much going on in there; between the jewelry design supplies, bead making supplies, paper crafting supplies, floral design supplies, and the fabric stash that is multiplying by the hour; I can never get a clear thought to stick. For example.. I my be working on a new bracelet design and out the corner of my eye I’ll see some awesome paper that would be adorable for an altered clipboard that I was mulling over earlier.. Then I get side tracked and start on the clipboard and put the bracelet on hold. GRRRR… Inspiration is great! But could I just be inspired to work on one thing at a time please. LOL… Then there are those days when I just sit there looking at everything and….nothing… My muse seems to have gone on vacation without me.. L
But I digress.
So anyways… I decided to try and organize things a little better. Keeping everything easily accessible but put in its own section. Except for the floral supplies, since I really don’t do weddings anymore, I am donating those supplies to a women’s shelter.
Hopefully I can finish it all up this weekend and share some pics with y’all. Actually, I really NEED to get it all finished this weekend because next week is gonna be busy busy busy. Why? You may be asking yourself. Well, read on… ;)

BIG News Alert…

Spread the word.. Tell your friends and family and strangers on the street.. Come one, come all to the greatest show on… um, wait a minute; I got a little lost in the moment there.. But you know what I mean. J

Grand Opening celebration in the works for my Etsy Apron Shop.

Now I’m not talking about any old 10% off sale or something… I am talking free items with every purchase, giveaways, and a Grand Prize package worth over $50.00. And yep, I will post a pic of all the goodies so you can get a look ahead of time. ;)

Why did I choose Etsy as the platform for my online presence? Because I believe in the site, I believe in what they stand for and I love being surrounded by other designers and artist’s who really care about their craft. I sold on Ebay for several years and the artisans just get so bogged down in all the listings of mass produced retail goods that it is almost impossible to market your own brand. And don’t even get me started on the fee’s. I would much rather pass the savings on to my customers.

Stay tuned for more details coming within the next few days.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sick All Week...

Yep, I've been sick with a nasty head cold all week. Fever finally broke yesterday evening, but woke up with 101 again this morning. So, it's back to bed for me.

When I get better I will be doing some updating to the look of my blog (toooo much pink for me right now); maybe that will be something to look forward to.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Welcome to My World

So here we go with the first post in my blog. Never done this before so for the one person out there that may be reading this, be patient. I don't know that there will be a any kind of rhyme or reason to this blog, just a place to post what I've been up to. So with that said, lets get started. :)

*Who are ya?
Well, my name is Tonya, I am 39 yrs., I live here in Texas with my hubby, 2 teenage daughters, 2 dogs, 2 pups, and 1 snake. I am a designer and maker of clothing, jewelry, beads, paper crafts, etc. I am a 50's housewife/40's glam gal at heart; I love all things from these era's. This will definitely show in my home once I've finished decorating. I try to use/re purpose vintage items as much as possible. They are so beautiful and carry so much history with them, I can't just let them go to waste. :)

*What'cha doin'?
Okay so, our house


was finished being built in June 2007 and we moved in; here we are 8 mths later, and I am just now starting with the decorating. I am usually the type that has to have it all planned out before I start anything. Well, that was getting me nowhere. So I decided to just jump on in and and let it come to me as I go. Ya know what, that actually works. I am just about finished with the 1/2 bath downstairs and have started on the master bedroom now. As I get them done, I will post before and after pics. Then yesterday, I decided to rearrange my entire kitchen. I put all the dishes and pots & pans and such in the pantry, and moved all the food to the cabinets. It feels so much more efficient that way. And ya know, who cares if that's not how its supposed to be, I'm the only vote that matters right? ;) Now the finishing touch I need for my kitchen is my dream machine Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer in Red (or pink would be nice too). :) We'll see what happens..