Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday's here...

Hope y'all had a great weekend.
It was a busy one around here. Then again, when isn't it? :)
Don't believe me? Well have a look at my mess..

Yep, I've been working on beadies all weekend.
But that's not all... I've been doing some cleaning too...

This is what I am getting off of the mirror that came with the bedroom set.

Look at the difference already.
I have cleaned the right side but haven't gotten to the left yet.
And yes, it is really taking that long. This thing is D-I-R-T-Y. :(

Well, I have more candy corn & santa beads to make.

So, what did you do this weekend?


Saturday, August 29, 2009

My New Treasure

Hope y'all had a great week!
It's been kinda crazy over here trying to play catch up.
I've got my ebay shop stocked again and have been working on new beads.

I promised pics of our new lovelies, so get ready.

I absolutely love this 1927-28 Waterfall Bedroom Suite.
I know it looks kinda bad right now, but really she is just dusty and dirty.
The only "damage" to her is a good size spot on the headboard and on one side of the highboy the laminate is separating. Nothing that we can't fix.
The inlay work on these pieces are awesome. And notice the amber glass accents? Looove it!

Vanity/Dressing Table

Look at the built in vanity tray with the mirror top. Perfect!
I haven't seen one like this before.


Mirror that goes with the Vanity


Headboard (see her bobo :( )




And I forgot to get a pic of the Highboy before we started working on her but here is one laying on her side in the truck. :)


I am sooo excited about this set.
I can't wait to get it restored and into its new home in our guest room.
It's going to be a slow process.
That's ok though because I have plenty to keep me busy in between. :)

So what do you all have planned for this weekend?
Hope ya have a great one.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I'm Back...

Hey y'all! Hope you all enjoyed the last days of summer.
As you can see, I decided to take the last 2 weeks of summer off to spend with the family.
My dad & stepmom came for a visit and our oldest was in town staying with us too.
It was really nice to have everybody around again. :)

I actually got some things finished and started some others.
Just when I think my list is getting smaller, other things magically appear.
I need to make a project list for my sidebar so I can keep track of what I am doing. And y'all can keep me on track. LOL
Add the list to my list. ;)

Oh... I am so excited to share with y'all our new (old) treasures. We got a really awesome deal on a 1927-28 bedroom suite for the guest room. Ya wanna know how awesome? How does FREE sound?
Yep, Faaaahhhreeee!
We all love that, right? I will have more on that and lots of pics this weekend.

See you all tomorrow.
Bigg Huggs,

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Please excuse the mess..

As I undergo yet another facelift. :)
I liked the other "new" look but.....
I am trying to make it a little more easy on the eyes.
After starting, I realize that it is time for me to start dinner.
So, thank you in advance for your patience. :)


Monday, August 10, 2009

We Have A Winner

Hope you all had a great weekend!

After writing & cutting out all the names


And putting them all in my handy dandy drawing bowl


I closed my eyes, swirled the little bits around and pulled one out.
and the winner is


Congrats to Pricilla for winning my Apron Fest '09 "Retro Diner" Hostess Apron.

Thank you to all who entered and made this such a fun celebration.

Big Huggs,

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Apron Fest '09 Giveaway

Hope y'all had a great weekend!

I am running a little late with my post but you know me.. LOL

Well, If you haven't heard the word, the Apronista is hosting

Click on the image above to visit all of the participants and enter their giveaways.

But before you leave don't forget to enter mine. :)

I will be giving away this fun retro diner apron w/extra long ties.


Just leave me a comment in this post between now and midnight cst on Friday.
I will announce the winner on Monday.

Good Luck to you all!
