Thursday, November 7, 2013

Polymer Clay Collective ~ Conversations

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My interview for Polymer Clay Collective
A wonderful group of polymer clay artists that share, encourage and inspire.

• Tell us a bit about where you live...

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I live on the family ranch in Bandera, The Cowboy Capital of the World,
located in the beautiful Texas Hill Country.

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Life runs at a slower pace out here, it actually kinda strolls.
Surrounded by acres of Cedar, hills and native Persimmon trees, Peaceful is the word that comes to mind.

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We even have our own herd of about 18-20 Deer that hangout with us..
Although I am sure it's not necessarily our company they like but they are quite fond of the corn.

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This pic was taken about 3 months ago, so these babies have already lost their spots now.

• What do you do when you're not polymer claying?

When I am not claying I enjoy sewing, baking, gardening, reading, general crafting and DIY.

• What did you want to be when you were little and do you think you ever will be?

When I was little I wanted to be a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader.
Growing up in Texas, that was the dream of many little girls. I was a cheerleader throughout school but as I got older my interests changed. So, my answer would be no.. I never will be a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader. =)

• Tell us something about yourself that we don't know...

Something that very few people know about me is that I am a cancer survivor.
This month is actually 15 yrs cancer free for me.
We are, however, fighting this battle again with my dad. He has finished radiation and we've got 3 more months of chemo. He is the strongest person I know so if anyone can do it, he can.

• Tell us your polymer clay story: What made you first try polymer clay and how long has PC been part of your life?

Up until 2003 I had my own floral design business. I did special events and individual arrangements but the bulk of my business was weddings. I enjoyed it but started to get burnt out.
One day, at a garage sale, I picked up a box of mixed craft and art supplies. In the box were a couple blocks of polymer clay. I had never heard of it before so I started to research online what it was used for. From that moment, I laid down the flowers and picked up the clay and was hooked for life.
I started out making floral and lampwork style beads and then before long moved into, what I feel is my niche or calling, "Miniatures".
Now, I can't imagine "not" claying. It relaxes me and challenges me at the same time.
Claying is my passion!

• What's your favorite PC technique?

I guess you would call what I do sculpting, but on a really small scale.
Most of my designs are 10-15mm in size. I just call it freestyle. =)
I also really enjoy clay embroidery. My signature cross pendants are done in this style.

• What are your art/design inspirations?

I am inspired by nature.. everything in nature.
The trees, the bugs, all the domestic animals and wildlife that I see and interact with on a daily basis.
The colors and sounds and actions and reactions.. I am in awe of it every day.

• Show us something you’ve made with polymer clay...

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Custom Guinea Pigs in likeness to pets

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LaLaLoopsy Mint E Stripes Pendants & Retro Wooden Toy Beads

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Lazy Llama Beads

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Despicable Me Minion Earrings

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Signature Clay Embroidery Cross Pendants

My bonus question from D Michelle..

• What are your rituals or routines when getting ready to create? Do you sketch or draw/pre-plan or just wing it?

I can't draw to save my life.. and I don't really even have a set routine that I go thru when creating..
When I have an idea I usually just pull out the colors I want to use and as I am conditioning them I am planning it out in my head.. Sometimes it just doesn't come together the way I would like so I set it aside and go on to something else.. then I'm usually able to go back to the original project and work thru whatever issue I was having.

Now my question for Andrea Glick..

• Do you buy or make your own polymer tools?

Thank you so much for the opportunity to share a bit of me with you.

Have a fabulous day!
