Friday, January 23, 2009

Blogiversary Giveaway!

We interrupt the regular scheduled post to bring you this Bloggy Special..

Yay! It’s giveaway time!

I know there are only a few of you out there that read my blog, but I really do appreciate you.
You wait patiently for my posts that are to few and way far between..
You have probably come to the realization (as I have) that I have lots of grandiose plans and ideas, but have a hard time bringing them to fruition. This is due to lack of focus on my part.. Or rather to much focus on to many different projects. ;) I like to think that I am making progress in this area.
I have wrapped up most of the works-in-progress that I had going and things have finally settled down a bit. The houseguest is gone and we have our home to ourselves again. Yay!
So, here’s to being a better blogger in 2009.

Now for the fun stuff!

The prizey for this giveaway?
This yummilicious "Candy Carnival" Apron.
created by me :)




To enter the giveaway simply leave a comment in this post by midnight Monday Jan. 26th. It’s that easy.

A winner will be selected by random draw and announced on Tuesday Jan. 27th .

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. FOCUS.. I can so relate to that. I hope we get it all figured out this week and by Feb. put all of our grand plans in motion!!! Hugs.

  2. Very pretty apron! Here's to 2009 being the time of focus!

  3. Happy Anniversary Skye! Cute apron!

  4. Yummy!!! I love that apron!!
    I hope I win!!

  5. Very nice apron hon. I do love all of those colors. I know what it's like to have house guests. Nice while they are there, but it's always nice too to have your space back. Kind of a catch 22.

    Hugs and love,

  6. Such a pretty apron Skye!
    Hope you get the focus you need. I need to do the same too lol =)

  7. Hi Skye! Oh yeah, I was totally relating to your focus dilemma, lol! And I LOVE that apron! You are so amazing and talented!=o)

  8. hey chick!! thanks for the invite! I would love love to win this!!!! please enter me! big big hugs


  9. oh poo, I missed this..I love that apron! sooo yummy!! Happy Aniv!!


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