Friday, February 25, 2011

The weekend is here..

Yay! Time to get some stuff wrapped up around here.
I’ve got 3 more boxes left to go thru from my studio. (still haven’t found the power cord for my Cricut.. grrrr.)

Look at my poor little friend.. just sittin’ on the shelf waiting for me to spend some creative time with her. =(
My sewing machine is feeling pretty neglected too lately. I think I might put her back to work this weekend. I’ve got some fabrics that I have been wanting to play with for a while now. =)

March is “National Craft Month”..
Do you have any projects or plans to celebrate?
Me & Baby Girl are organizing a craft night. If this one is a success we’re gonna make it a monthly event.

Have a fun & fabulous weekend everyone!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Baby Girl's Baby Shower

Hiya Sweets!
Hope you're all having a wonderful week.
As per the norm, things have been crazy busy around here.
We finally had Baby Girl's shower on Sunday.

Between everyone being sick and not knowing when Love Bug would be coming home, we were on hold with everything. But... as last minute as it was, we had a full house and she had a wonderful time. I love how everything turned out... And this was my first time making a diaper cake. =)

Yesterday was Baby Girl's 22nd birthday.

This was her at 3 weeks old

and here she is 22 years later.

With everything else going on her birthday didn't get quite the attention that it should have. She did however get the best present ever.

Our Lil' Love Bug got to come home from the hospital yesterday. YAY!

and this has been my view for the past 36 hrs. =) teehee

I suppose it's time for me to get back to work now.. I have 2 new wholesale customers and lots of special requests for custom designs

like these

and these

I love "ALL" my customers! They are the best!

Time for more coffee.. ;)
Have a great night Dolls!
