Thursday, January 28, 2010

Retail Therapy

Been so sick lately but a little shopping and a few great deals does help a bit. :)

Cec and I were out running errands and stopped in Palais Royal. (the only department store anywhere near here)
I’m so glad we did; Major Score!

Got 7 shirts for me and a cute ’lil dress & vamp tee for Cec.
Reg. price for all - $327.
Thrifty Gal price - $54.







Also.. stopped by Lowes and picked up a gal. of “Vanilla Brandy”.


Thought it was about time I get started by adding some color to these walls.

Quote of the day
"Experience is a brutal teacher, but you learn. My God, do you learn." ~ C.S. Lewis

“Eye Candy” of the day


Gotta love a guy that sparkles!

Have a great day everyone!
Big Huggs,

Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday, Monday..

Start of a new week full of possibilities!
Hope you all had a great weekend.

Got an early start today on all the mundane, not so fun stuff... ie housework..
Now its time to get to the good stuff..
~ making Valentine goodies


~ beadies for orders
~ earrings for Jan. group challenge
And any other bits of fun that I can squeeze in.

Quote of the day
We are all led to where we need to be. ~Lo Pan

“Eye Candy” of the day


The boys are back
and Thursday can’t get here fast enough!

Have a great day everyone!
Big Huggs,

Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday is here...

How has your week been?
Did you get all the things done that were on your to-do lists?
What do you have planned for the weekend?

I have to say.. I am loving facebook.. It has allowed me to make lots of wonderful new friends and to get back in touch with long lost ones too.
Saturday, my very best friend in the whole world will be coming to visit.
I am sooo excited.. We haven’t seen each other in about 9 years.. And the last time we spoke before losing touch again was about 5 years ago. I have missed Laurie so much. I can only imagine the memories that will surface this weekend. From our phone conversation, it feels like no time has passed at all.. No hesitation, no awkward silences.. Just 2 friends talking like we always did!
I will definitely have some pics to share with you all Monday!

For now though, here are some pics of the house that I promised.
We have lots of work to do with the landscaping (the house has been empty for 12 years). But I will wait until spring so that I can see just what treasures we have lying dormant under the surface.
There are lots of Crape Myrtle & Mimosa trees.. And I love both!
Oh and tons of Oak trees!

These were all taken before we bought it
so a lot has been done and still more left.



~Detached Garage & Workshop~

And for your viewing pleasure…
~Eye Candy~
(I am so glad Leverage is back on) :)

Have a wonderful weekend all!
Big Huggs,


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Yay.. I'm back!

Did y'all miss me? :)

Well, we got moved and settled and made it thru the holidays.
It is definitely a slower pace out here.. annnd very nice.
And it has done wonders to get my creativity flowing again. My muse ran off to here several months ago and we’ve now been reconnected. Hehehe

Here is what 2 days work produced:




Hopefully tomorrow I will have some of the house photos resized so I can share them with you.

Have a wonderful Tuesday evening all!
Big Huggs,
