Thursday, February 4, 2010

Making progress..

Hi all!
Having a very productive week over here..
Filling orders and now working on a custom order of Caramel Apple beadies.

Annnnd I am making lots of progress in the bathroom.
Got the cabinets, counter, and walls finished..


I am so excited about how well the counter turned out.. It was a little fussy at times (or maybe that was me that was a fussy.. haha) but for the most part it was pretty easy.


Wanna know how I did it?


With this little box of goodies. :)

Box of tiles - $11.00
Can of ORB - $2.97
Caulk - $2.97
$16.94 for a brand new bathroom vanity
And the best part.. I did it all on my own!
Yay Me!

Remember where I started..


Now I have to do the floors and replace the baseboards, doors & casings.
Maybe I will get started on that this weekend.


Quote of the day
“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” ~ William Shakespeare

“Eye Candy” of the day

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

Have a great night!
Big Huggs,

1 comment:

  1. It looks great! You have done an awesome job! Love The ROCK!! Hugs.


Thank you so much for stopping by... I love reading your comments! xoxo