Hey guys.. Thank you all for the emails and comment welcoming me back. I have missed y'all so much. I am truly blessed to have such wonderful friends.
Can you believe it is December already?
I have been so busy this year it has just zoomed by.
So are ya ready for Christmas?
Y'all know me... I'll still be getting ready up until the day. LOL
Speaking of Christmas...
Know what this is gonna be?
I love this argyle fabric.
Stockings! Yay!
I've got one done and eleven more to go. =)
Are you doing any crafting for the holiday?
Share your links in the comments.. I would love to see all of your crafty goodness.
Well, for now it's time for me to get back to work.
I have an order for 2 custom business card holders.. and 2 bead orders that total over 520 beads.. Can you say BUSY!?! =)
Have a great night y'all!
smoochies... xoxo