Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ya Gotta Get One..

Okay, so anyone who knows me knows how I feel about supporting Breast Cancer Research and Awareness.
Well, hubby called me this morning and asked me to get on line and order him this t-shirt. He wouldn't tell me what it was (wanted me to see for myself), so I went and checked it out. When I seen it there was no hesitation, I ordered it right then and there. I almost ordered one for myself too, which I still may. ;)

photo courtesy of Bull Shirts

Isn't it awesome?! I love it!

Click on the pic to see a bigger image and to order.

The shirts are only $15 and all the proceeds go to M.D Anderson Cancer Center.
If you aren't familiar with M.D.A Cancer Center, they are the best.
My grandma, grandpa, dad & myself have all been patients and gotten our treatments there. My dad was actually told that there was a 5% chance that his treatment would even help. Well he has been completely cancer free for about 8 years; and I have been cancer free for 11 years. (My grandparents have since passed from other causes).

It's a good cause.

Be sure and let me know if you decide to get one.

"Boobs Rock"


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Getting Ready for the Move...

Hey y'all...
Soooo sorry for the long absence.
Been fighting the flu for over 3 weeks now and haven't been able to completely shake it. Along with being sick, I have been trying to get things packed up.
Yep, we are moving.. We found a place in the country so we decided to buy it and sell our house that we just had built 2 1/2 years ago. And ya know, I am sooo ready..
I have to tell ya, it may seem like the best thing to be able to build a house in a brand new neighborhood. Everything is all nice and shiny and new; but seriously... be careful.
We love our house and we really like most of our neighbors but it's the developer mostly that has caused so much grief.
When we bought into this neighborhood we were the 11th home built. There were a lot of promises made for what would and would not happen as the neighborhood developed. None of which have held true. And to top it off, one of the builders went bankrupt and left about 1/3 of the lots undeveloped and you know what that does to property values.
Anyways.. Longer story short... We found a place that we love about an hour & a half out of the city and on the lake, so we are movin' on out the first of November.
I probably won't be posting much until we get settled in but there will be a lot more DIY posts and before/after pics then. :)

Hope everyone is doing well and I will talk to ya soon.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday's here...

Hope y'all had a great weekend.
It was a busy one around here. Then again, when isn't it? :)
Don't believe me? Well have a look at my mess..

Yep, I've been working on beadies all weekend.
But that's not all... I've been doing some cleaning too...

This is what I am getting off of the mirror that came with the bedroom set.

Look at the difference already.
I have cleaned the right side but haven't gotten to the left yet.
And yes, it is really taking that long. This thing is D-I-R-T-Y. :(

Well, I have more candy corn & santa beads to make.

So, what did you do this weekend?


Saturday, August 29, 2009

My New Treasure

Hope y'all had a great week!
It's been kinda crazy over here trying to play catch up.
I've got my ebay shop stocked again and have been working on new beads.

I promised pics of our new lovelies, so get ready.

I absolutely love this 1927-28 Waterfall Bedroom Suite.
I know it looks kinda bad right now, but really she is just dusty and dirty.
The only "damage" to her is a good size spot on the headboard and on one side of the highboy the laminate is separating. Nothing that we can't fix.
The inlay work on these pieces are awesome. And notice the amber glass accents? Looove it!

Vanity/Dressing Table

Look at the built in vanity tray with the mirror top. Perfect!
I haven't seen one like this before.


Mirror that goes with the Vanity


Headboard (see her bobo :( )




And I forgot to get a pic of the Highboy before we started working on her but here is one laying on her side in the truck. :)


I am sooo excited about this set.
I can't wait to get it restored and into its new home in our guest room.
It's going to be a slow process.
That's ok though because I have plenty to keep me busy in between. :)

So what do you all have planned for this weekend?
Hope ya have a great one.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I'm Back...

Hey y'all! Hope you all enjoyed the last days of summer.
As you can see, I decided to take the last 2 weeks of summer off to spend with the family.
My dad & stepmom came for a visit and our oldest was in town staying with us too.
It was really nice to have everybody around again. :)

I actually got some things finished and started some others.
Just when I think my list is getting smaller, other things magically appear.
I need to make a project list for my sidebar so I can keep track of what I am doing. And y'all can keep me on track. LOL
Add the list to my list. ;)

Oh... I am so excited to share with y'all our new (old) treasures. We got a really awesome deal on a 1927-28 bedroom suite for the guest room. Ya wanna know how awesome? How does FREE sound?
Yep, Faaaahhhreeee!
We all love that, right? I will have more on that and lots of pics this weekend.

See you all tomorrow.
Bigg Huggs,

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Please excuse the mess..

As I undergo yet another facelift. :)
I liked the other "new" look but.....
I am trying to make it a little more easy on the eyes.
After starting, I realize that it is time for me to start dinner.
So, thank you in advance for your patience. :)


Monday, August 10, 2009

We Have A Winner

Hope you all had a great weekend!

After writing & cutting out all the names


And putting them all in my handy dandy drawing bowl


I closed my eyes, swirled the little bits around and pulled one out.
and the winner is


Congrats to Pricilla for winning my Apron Fest '09 "Retro Diner" Hostess Apron.

Thank you to all who entered and made this such a fun celebration.

Big Huggs,

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Apron Fest '09 Giveaway

Hope y'all had a great weekend!

I am running a little late with my post but you know me.. LOL

Well, If you haven't heard the word, the Apronista is hosting

Click on the image above to visit all of the participants and enter their giveaways.

But before you leave don't forget to enter mine. :)

I will be giving away this fun retro diner apron w/extra long ties.


Just leave me a comment in this post between now and midnight cst on Friday.
I will announce the winner on Monday.

Good Luck to you all!


Friday, July 31, 2009

Weekend Projects

Hey y'all! Everybody ready for the weekend?
What do you have planned?
Any projects on your "to do" list?
I am finally going to finish up the wainscoting in the master bedroom.

For the treatment I have used a wallpaper that has the appearance of bead board.



And I am using casing for the chair rail.
I love the detail and it is a bit more substantial as well.



Not what you would typically use but.... This stuff was less than 1/2 the price of traditional chair rail moulding. I got a 12pk of 7ft lengths for $22 bucks at Lowes. WooHoo! You can't beat that with a stick. :)

Well, time to take some measurements.
Have a great Friday evening everyone!


Thursday, July 30, 2009

Retro 70's Candy Giveaway

Run, don't walk over to "The imPerfect Housewife". Beth is having a bloggy giveaway.

Look at all this yummylicious retro candy.

Click on the image above and show Beth some bloggy love.

She will be drawing a winner on Friday (31st) evening, so don't miss out on the fun.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

ShamWow Freebie Alert!

Y'all know I gotta take care of my girls!
So here's a easy peasy freebie.

All you do is
~Click on the image above
~fill out the super d duper simple & quick survey
and they will send you 2 FREE ShamWow drying cloths.
No credit card, no shipping, no hidden fees.
How GREAT is that?

Okay, do I seem a little toooo excited about a freaking cloth? Well yea... Actually I am.
I mean come on, that Vince is quite the salesman dont'cha think? :)
I'm just not to sure about that slap chop thingie.. LOL
But I digress.

Anyhoooo.. click on over and get your free ShamWow cloths before they are all gone.

Thanks to Jen over at "The Thrifty Home" for the heads up on this one.

I'm headed out for my evening walk..


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Last Tuesday of the month..

Can y'all believe that July is just about gone?
Time has been going by so fast this year; and especially this summer.

Well, we didn't make it to the bridal show this weekend so no pics of that event.
I did upload the pics of the glassware that a family friend gave me.


(sorry for the bad, blurry pic)

I lurve me some glassware.. I think I am addicted. Actually, I know I am.. LOL

My dad and stepmom are giving us an antique credenza; so I think I am going to get rid of my china cabinet and use the credenza to store my china and such. That way it will "fit" in several different places in the house and I won't "have to" put it in the breakfast or dining rooms. :) We'll see.

Time to get back to work.
Have a great night.


Saturday, July 25, 2009

I Love my sweetie!

See what he bought me on his way home from work!



Aren't they beautimus!

He just wanted to surprise me because I am walking every day now and he wanted to make sure my tootsies are safe and comfy. :)

Oh.. I didn't tell you.. I have walked 3 miles a day, every day this week. Yay!
I am really excited about it..
Now don't get me wrong... It kicks my bootay every time I get out there but I still push myself through it; annnd I do it in less than an hour. That is giving me a good heart pumping, fat burning cardio workout.
The first couple of days I was praying for rain so that I didn't "HAVE TO" walk; but now I am raring to go at 7:30 every evening. Its almost like my body is craving it. LOL... And let me tell you... I was NOT an active person at all.. I was one that watched people on tv exercise and would say to myself "Ohhh I am gonna start doing that". And of course I never would.. LOL
If any of you want to start, I really do recommend it. But I will say this...
Set a pace that is comfortable for yourself and don't over do it. Then, you can step up the pace and the distance gradually.

I hope you all have a super weekend!
I will try to post pics tomorrow evening of our day at the Bridal Extravaganza! :)



Friday, July 24, 2009

Happy Friday!

Hey y'all.. Hope you've had a great week! I am sooo ready for the weekend. The girl's are coming to town! WooHoo! Tomorrow we are going to the Bridal Extravaganza. I have been one other time and let me tell you, that place was jam packed. I don't expect this time to be any different. But I am looking forward to sharing this with my baby girl.

Oh... I got the pics of the kitchen. :)

Okay.. here is the before...

and now... after!


I am soooo in love with this mustard color..
and they new cabinet hardware.. Lurve It!
I thought that the color would make the kitchen seem smaller than it already is.. but it actually makes it feel bigger. :)

Now its time to move on to the master bedroom.
I have the moulding already just need to cut, paint and put it up. I need to paint the walls too.. I do have the wainscoting up already though. :) and my wonderful hubbikins is going to make us a big custom headboard. Yay!

Okay y'all.. Well I need to get an apron and a set of placemats made before Sunday, so I guess I better get busy. :)

Have a great day!


Monday, July 20, 2009

I'm Back Y'all...

I know, I know.. It's been nearly 2 months since my last post. :(
Would you believe that we have had house guests this entire time? As soon as one leaves another arrives.. At some points there were overlapping guests.. LOL
Well for about 4 days now it has just been me and my sweetie pie! We have been spending lots of wonderfully good quality time together. YAY! I love spending time with my hubby!

I have been doing lots of decorating, painting, installing moulding & cabinet hardware. I kinda got on a roll and couldn't stop. LOL
I haven't taken pics of anything lately so I will have to post them in the next few days.. (hopefully.. if I dont forget) hehehe

Oh, and I got some wonderful vintage glassware pieces from a longtime family friend.. I am sooo excited! I will have to take pics of those too.

We have a new neighbor across the street from us and she and I have been walking the neighborhood in the evenings. The neighborhood is 1/2 mile around, so we make 4 laps to give us 2 miles. This week we are going to add another 2 laps. And 2 other ladies in the neighborhood have asked if they could start walking with us so they are supposed to start tomorrow. :)

Well its time to do some shop updating.

Now y'all don't forget to remind me about the pics. ;)

Have a great Monday all!

Big Huggs..


Sunday, May 31, 2009

Lovely Award

Now on to some really exciting news!
I just received my first blog award from April over at The Art Chics.. Now my Nelly Love won't be so lonesome (which, btw.. I got from April also). :)
Thank you so much April! I am honored!


Here are the guidelines:

1. Add the logo to your blog;

2. Link to the person from whom you received this award;

3. Nominate 7 or more blogs; and

4. Leave a message on their blog, letting them know they are One Lovely Blog!

Now I would like to honor these 7 bloggers with this beautiful award.

Kimmie @ The Pink Martini Boutique

Cat @ The Vintage Housewife

Sarah @ The Thrifty Decor Chick

Julie @ CupcakeDD

Maija @ Maigirlz Madness

Mary @ Honey Bear Beads

Pam @ Frippery



Hey Y'all

Hope you're having a great weekend!
I've been busy as usual over here.
Finally got my new Etsy shop The Atomic Housewife opened. This one will carry my aprons and household goodies. I also still have my bead & jewelry shop, Le Core Femme open, I just wanted each to have their own focus. :)
Here are a couple new aprons and accessories that I have ready to go.






I would love it if you stop by and leave me a convo to say hi. (that way I can add you as a fave) :)

Today we went to Lowes and Home Depot. Talk about home improvement overload. LOL.. I had a hard time staying focused and pacing myself. But look at the gorgeous dining room light that came home with me.



This baby was originally $200... Not what I paid. :) She came home with us for a mere $78 bucks! I LOVE it! It just fits perfectly with the feel of the room.

Not at all like this poor little light that used to be hanging there...


Well I think that is about it for the night girlies! (er, well, actually it is morning now) LOL

Hope you all have a great day!
