Saturday, December 18, 2010

Introducing Maddison Lynn


It's been a tough week.. My daughter had complications and they were forced to deliver her baby. The pregnancy caused Cec's liver to completely shutdown so it was a matter of life and death for her. I am so blessed to be able to say that she is doing much better and will hopefully be able to come home tomorrow. And I am happy to introduce to you our precious little miracle Maddi.


She joined us 3 months early but she's a fighter just like her mommy.
I have been sick so I haven't been able to meet her yet or even be at the hospital with my daughter since the first day. And that is driving me crazy.. but I will not chance either of them getting sick.

Now if I could just figure out what my "grandma" name will be.. It's a lot tougher than you'd think.. LOL..


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Hump Day Before Thanksgiving

We interrupt this post to bring you a special announcement.
I would like to send a big "thank you" out to my lil' sis, the most unselfish person I know.. Without you this most annoying and inconvenient head cold would not be possible. LOL.. You know I still love you though. =)

Now back to our regularly scheduled posting.

So.. are you all ready for Thanksgiving? Will you be traveling or staying close to home? Have you thought about all that you have to be thankful for?
For me, this year has been one of new beginnings & self discovery. I have learned that I don't have to be everything to everyone.. and that it is ok to make myself happy first. I would have never imagined my life taking the turns that it has, but I also wouldn't change it if I could.

I have quite a lot to be thankful for this year, and I wish that you are able to celebrate the blessings in your life with the ones you love.
Our table will be missing one very important person; but he is in my heart. And hopefully they will enjoy some semblance of a Thanksgiving Dinner way over there in Afghanistan.

In case I don't make it on tomorrow,
I want to wish you all a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

Bisou Bisou.. Mwah!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Happy Thursday!

Yep, it's me again.. Two days in a row.. I know, right!? Can you believe it? hehe.. I'm working on getting back into the swing of things.. ;) Writing notes to myself seems to be helping.. That is as long as I remember to read them. LOL

Since it's Thursday and my boys are on tonight, I thought "What could be better than a little Salvatore eye candy?" =)

I loooove his eyes!
~Eye Candy of the Day~
Ian Somerhalder
aka Damon Salvatore (the Vampire Diaries)

Sooo, the weekend is almost here, what do you all have planned?
I have taken a few days off from creating so I could work on some of the "behind the scenes" tasks.. Like working on my facebook fan page... (actually, they're not called "fan" pages anymore, but who knows what they are calling them this week.?. business pages? artist pages? or just plain "pages"? lol) Anyways...been working on linking everything up, getting pics uploaded and suggesting to friends... trying to get everything ready for my first giveaway..
(there's a link to my page in the sidebar to the right ;)
Hoping to have everything set and in place for "Small Business Saturday".

Will you be joining in the festivities? If you're interested in finding out more about how you can show your support, click on the link above.

Well, it's time to get back to work.. =)

Have a great day everyone!

Smoochies! xoxo

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Middle of November Already??

Instead of closing out the post with eye candy, how 'bout we do something crazy and open up with it. ;)


~Eye Candy of the Day~
Ed Westwick aka Chuck Bass

Cec came over last night and we had some, long overdue and much needed, self indulgent trash tv girl time. hehe.. Now, after one episode, we are hooked on Gossip Girl. And wouldn't you know, Hulu doesn't even have the first 2 seasons.. Looks like I will be searching for the past seasons on dvd and we will just have to make a weekend of it. Between her pregnancy and my sweetie being deployed, I think we have plenty of time to catch up on Dexter too.

I can't believe how fast this year has gone by.. Just a little over a month before Christmas!?! I have been so busy around here.. I miss the days when I had time and was organized enough to blog at least a few times a week.. lol

I am up to my neck in cupcakes and hairbows right now.. Hopefully the weather will cooperate enough this weekend so I can take pics of everything. =)

Hope y'all have a wonderful week!
Mwah! xoxo

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Crazy busy....

Lots going on here at LCF headquarters lately. ;) Been keeping me super busy.


I've had several international orders the past few weeks. I always love sending my designs on new adventures to far off places. hehehe
Been getting lots of custom orders coming in as well. Love Love Love! The collaboration between my clients and myself is such an exciting process. It is very rewarding to bring their visions to life in my designs.

The photo shoot for the new media packs is coming together.. Photographer, models, and location are all ready to go. Now it's just a matter of getting the rest of the pieces designed for the campaign. Which means all electronic and print media must be ready to go by the end of October for the launch.


We will also be relaunching the fanpage with lots of new content. There will be contests, drawings and tons of fun stuff going on over there.
One of the new features that I am most excited about is the "Designers Corner". This is where I will promote the designers that use my artisan beads in their creations. All you need to do is send me a pic of your designs and the web address to your shop to be included.
Like I said, crazy busy!

Thank you all so much for the emails, comments, calls & texts. Your friendship, support and encouragement has kept me going in high gear.... even over the speed bumps. =)
I will keep you all updated as things progress.

Big Huggs!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


It constantly amazes me how life works itself out.
I don't regret the decisions I have made over the course of mine. Each and every one has played a part in bringing me directly to where I am now. I believe we get exactly what we need, good or bad, when we need it.
Same with the relationships in our lives. Some are lasting, they grow and change over the course of a lifetime and some are only temporary but still important.
No single person or experience defines us... but the sum total of all makes us who we are.

Take care of yourself first and foremost.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

I'm Back..

Hi everyone!

Well, this is my first post in over 4 months. Sorry for such a long hiatus. It seems just as we were picking up momentum here, things came crashing down. I'm not going to get into the who, what, how and why of it all.. Circumstances being what they were, I didn't feel much like sharing. But....

I am back now and ready to get this blog going again!

In the coming week you will be seeing some changes around here.
So excuse the mess while I clear the cobwebs. And when the dust settles we'll have a fresh new place to chat about all of our transformations.

Big Huggs!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Making progress..

Hi all!
Having a very productive week over here..
Filling orders and now working on a custom order of Caramel Apple beadies.

Annnnd I am making lots of progress in the bathroom.
Got the cabinets, counter, and walls finished..


I am so excited about how well the counter turned out.. It was a little fussy at times (or maybe that was me that was a fussy.. haha) but for the most part it was pretty easy.


Wanna know how I did it?


With this little box of goodies. :)

Box of tiles - $11.00
Can of ORB - $2.97
Caulk - $2.97
$16.94 for a brand new bathroom vanity
And the best part.. I did it all on my own!
Yay Me!

Remember where I started..


Now I have to do the floors and replace the baseboards, doors & casings.
Maybe I will get started on that this weekend.


Quote of the day
“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” ~ William Shakespeare

“Eye Candy” of the day

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

Have a great night!
Big Huggs,

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What to do when you are sick of being sick...

Hi everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

Mine was great! I got to see all the people I love on Saturday.
Hubby came home for the day and both of my girls and my sis were here. Yay!

I also started on the bathroom re-do.

Here is what I started with..


Awful 3-tone blue/green walls; red carpet; powder blue & white swirly laminate counters; yucky reddish/orangish/brownish cabinets; and on and on…

And here is my progress so far..


Painted the cabinets ORB (oil rubbed bronze), and the walls received 3 coats of Vanilla Brandy.

In the next progress report I will show you my Thrifty Gal trick for ugly counters... and have better pics to share. :)


Quote of the day
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. ~ Plato

“Eye Candy” of the day

Josh Holloway
(he is my hubby's doppelganger)
Lucky Me!

Have a great day everyone!
Big Huggs,

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Retail Therapy

Been so sick lately but a little shopping and a few great deals does help a bit. :)

Cec and I were out running errands and stopped in Palais Royal. (the only department store anywhere near here)
I’m so glad we did; Major Score!

Got 7 shirts for me and a cute ’lil dress & vamp tee for Cec.
Reg. price for all - $327.
Thrifty Gal price - $54.







Also.. stopped by Lowes and picked up a gal. of “Vanilla Brandy”.


Thought it was about time I get started by adding some color to these walls.

Quote of the day
"Experience is a brutal teacher, but you learn. My God, do you learn." ~ C.S. Lewis

“Eye Candy” of the day


Gotta love a guy that sparkles!

Have a great day everyone!
Big Huggs,

Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday, Monday..

Start of a new week full of possibilities!
Hope you all had a great weekend.

Got an early start today on all the mundane, not so fun stuff... ie housework..
Now its time to get to the good stuff..
~ making Valentine goodies


~ beadies for orders
~ earrings for Jan. group challenge
And any other bits of fun that I can squeeze in.

Quote of the day
We are all led to where we need to be. ~Lo Pan

“Eye Candy” of the day


The boys are back
and Thursday can’t get here fast enough!

Have a great day everyone!
Big Huggs,

Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday is here...

How has your week been?
Did you get all the things done that were on your to-do lists?
What do you have planned for the weekend?

I have to say.. I am loving facebook.. It has allowed me to make lots of wonderful new friends and to get back in touch with long lost ones too.
Saturday, my very best friend in the whole world will be coming to visit.
I am sooo excited.. We haven’t seen each other in about 9 years.. And the last time we spoke before losing touch again was about 5 years ago. I have missed Laurie so much. I can only imagine the memories that will surface this weekend. From our phone conversation, it feels like no time has passed at all.. No hesitation, no awkward silences.. Just 2 friends talking like we always did!
I will definitely have some pics to share with you all Monday!

For now though, here are some pics of the house that I promised.
We have lots of work to do with the landscaping (the house has been empty for 12 years). But I will wait until spring so that I can see just what treasures we have lying dormant under the surface.
There are lots of Crape Myrtle & Mimosa trees.. And I love both!
Oh and tons of Oak trees!

These were all taken before we bought it
so a lot has been done and still more left.



~Detached Garage & Workshop~

And for your viewing pleasure…
~Eye Candy~
(I am so glad Leverage is back on) :)

Have a wonderful weekend all!
Big Huggs,


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Yay.. I'm back!

Did y'all miss me? :)

Well, we got moved and settled and made it thru the holidays.
It is definitely a slower pace out here.. annnd very nice.
And it has done wonders to get my creativity flowing again. My muse ran off to here several months ago and we’ve now been reconnected. Hehehe

Here is what 2 days work produced:




Hopefully tomorrow I will have some of the house photos resized so I can share them with you.

Have a wonderful Tuesday evening all!
Big Huggs,
